Our Clients

  • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Government

  • Netherland Economic Mission, Myanmar

  • Ministry of Education, Union of Myanmar

  • Ministry of Commerce, Union of Myanmar

  • Ministry of Agriculture, Union of Myanmar

  • National SME Centre, Union of Myanmar

  • Public Performance Appraisal Program executed by Centre for social and economic studies, Myanmar Development and Resources Institute, Ministry of President Office , Union of Myanmar

Government Agencies
International Organizations
  • Euro Burma Office

  • World Concern Myanmar

  • World Vision Foundation Thailand

  • Oxfam GB


  • Myanmar Education Consortium

  • People in Need (Czech)

  • University of Weiginigan ( Netherland)

  • Marie Stope International

  • Malteser International

  • Good Neighbors International

  • Danish Red Cross

  • Mercy Corp

  • Welthungerhilfe


Local NGOs and CSOs
  • American Jewish World Services

  • Norwegian Church Aid

  • Consortium of Dutch NGOs

  • German International Development Cooperation GIZ

  • Italian Trade Commission

  • Voluntary Service Oversea ( VSO) International

  • The Nexus Fund ( in collaboration with UNPEACE)

  • Plan International Myanmar

  • Bread for the World

  • Incentivising Local Communities to Maintain Healthy Mountain Ecosystems(ICIMOD)

  • Consortium of Dutch NGO’s Yangon Myanmar

  • World Vision Myanmar

  • SNV Netherlands Development Organization

UN Agencies

  • Livelihood and Food Security Trust Fund/United Nation Office for Project Service

  • ILO _ International Labor Organization



  • FAO

  • UNOPs

  • Metta Development Foundation

  • Myanmar Baptist Convention

  • Kachin Baptist Convention

  • Kayin Baptist Convention

  • Shan Baptist Convention

  • Myanmar Red Cross Society

  • Working group for Myanmar Social Fund compost of Myanmar NGO leaders

  • Friends for Health

  • Precious Stone

  • Kayhtoeboe Social Development Association(KSDA)

  • Pyoe Social Development Organization

  • Tealand school

  • Myanmar Independent Living Initiative(MILI)

  • Myanmar National Association of the Blind

  • Progetto Continenti (PC-Myanmar)

  • Thiri May CBO

  • Y.M.C.A

  • Nyein Foundation ( Shalom foundation)

  • Mawkkon Local Development Organization

  • Ah Lin Local Development Organization

  • Network Activities Group


  • Karuna Myanmar Social Services

  • Monastic Education Development Group

  • Accountability and Learning Working Group, Local Resource Center

  • Karen Women Empowerment Group

  • Kayan New Generation Youth

  • MAS youth group ( Mon State)

  • Yangon School of Political Science

  • Judson Research Center

  • Pandita Foundation

  • Myanmar Indigenous Network for Education

  • Myanmar Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Producer Association

  • Myanmar Consumer Network And various Community Based Organizations across the country

  • Myanmar Consumer Union

  • RISE_ Karen Teacher working Group (KTWG)


  • Chan Myae Myittar Development Association (CMMDA)

  • Sha_it Social Development Foundation

  • Kan Tat Kone Monastic Education School

  • LAIN

  • Kaung Rai Social Action Network